Upper body massage
This massage suits all people who has a "sitting" job. Being a long time in a static pose may cause muscles and tendons to loose their elasticity, this also reduces the blood circulation in head and neck, causing headaches and etc. Same happens to the lower back, being constantly under pressure it loses the mobility. This can increase the possibility of an accidental injury and chronic diseases. In this situation you have to restore the "stagnant" muscle groups, bring back the elasticity and relax the "overloaded" parts of the body.
This massage is also suitable for people who do hard physical work, those who have "overloaded" and stiff muscles which may cause pain.
Masseur: different Estonian masseurs
Prices for upper body massage:
45 min 40 €
60 min 45 €
Use the green ONLINE booking button to get an appointment or call 5683 4575.
Pain in the muscles and joints
Immobility of joints
Bad posture
Blood circulation disorders
Sleep disorders
Reduced attention
Fatigue caused by intellectual work
Weak immune system
Slightly high or low blood pressure
Cancerous tumors, fever, traumas, cardiac, renal or hepatic insufficiency, vein inflammation, infectious diseases, too high or too low blood pressure, thyroid diseases.